Monday, July 9, 2007

Week 9 - Thing # 23 - Summary

What a challenge!!
This program was very good in educating people about the technology that is available on the Internet and how it could be helpful in everyday life at home or at work. However frustration set in rather quickly at the beginning until I was able to figure out just what was expected of me. Sometimes that just wasn't clear. I also think it took more time to explore and to comphrehend this new technology for the average person and because of this the completion rate may not be as high as expected. I plan on going back and revisiting some of the sites and explore them a little bit more now that I have completed the exercises.
Talking each step out with a fellow employee and helping other staff as they go through the steps helped me immensely! Thanks Anthony!
I was possessed by this program so much that there were 2 nights when I woke up from a dream about blogging and bloglines! Or should I say nightmare!
All in all I have learned a lot about the different programs available online that I might one day
use at my job. My favorite things that I explored were the "play things" such as Alvatars, Flickr, YouTube and Podcasts. The two activities that I thought would be most useful for me was Google Docs and LibraryThing. Some activities I may never use again but at least I have been exposed to them. As I moved on in the discovery exercises I thought that I was going to forget what I had learned, but instead I was forced to remember in order to help the other people in the branch that are paticipating in the program.
I know in the future Library systems will be using a lot more of this technology with both internal and external customers. It was great to have the opportunity to explore these sites and become familiar with this kind of technology so that we can keep on the cutting edge. Bring on the next 23 Things.


Sally said...

I read your summary and think you really hit the nail on the head. I may not use all the new stuff, but I found learning about fascinating.

JimD said...

Glorioski! You're finished already! Sally's right. Your summary is great. I think that it's very true that each of us will take different things from this program. I'll use RSS, and some of those collaborative documents things. Some of the others I might never try again. New things will be coming up all the time. Another benefit of this program is that it has put us all in the frame of mind to be ready to learn still more new things as the bubble up!

JimD said...

And one more thing... Now that you're done, please keep an eye out for other staff members who are having trouble. If you can give them a hand, please do. Thanks!

Ellen said...

Congratulations! I'm really impressed and thank you very much for the thoughtful summary of your experience.

So... you asked for it... the next 23 Things! Helen Blowers of PLCMC (the original 23 Things program) is now offering a new program "to support on-going discovery and learning of web 2.0 technologies as an extension of the Learning 2.0 program."

An explanation of the new program is here,

The blog address is You'll have to go back into the archived messages to get Thing 25, etc.

Feel free to continue to participate as long as your manager is okay with it. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it as I haven't been able to get to that part yet! Please let me know if you decide to do it.

And again, congratulations!

wine knot said...

What? Finished already? What a show off! With quilt in one hand and wine glass in the other, you've done it!!!

Baelgoul said...

Well, just another person amazed that you're done already. Now I really feel like a slacker ;) Congrats!

ice cream lover said...

Yes, this program has introduced us to a lot of new websites that we would never have used without the motivation of this project. While it is true that each of us is likely to regularly use only a few of the various opportunities; collectively we are likely to use every site that we explored.

As you well know, I got stuck a few times. Your help was very much appreciated. Further it is a real privilege to work with you on a regular basis.