Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 3 - Thing 7 - Technology

Last night we bought a digital camera for my daughter. Other members of my family have digital cameras. I get the hand-me- downs! The camera that we bought last night is a Sony. This is a brand that no one in the family owns so we are forced to learn the new technology connected with this camera. Yes, it does the basics, zoom lens, big viewing screen, movie clips, etc., plus more. This camera lets you crop your pictures and it also can get rid of the "red eyes" while still on the camera. The older cameras that we own, you have to upload your pictures onto your computer, into a program like Picasa in order to make any changes to your photo. Another thing that is different with this camera is the battery that it uses. The older ones use AA batteries and the Sony has a small flat square battery. Needless to say the recharger is different and an additional expense! That's technology today, New today, different tomorrow!!!!!! Upgrade! Upgrade! Upgrade!!!! Money Money Money!

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